Huron County Museum Multilingual Movie Night Tonight at 7:00pm

by Bob Montgomery

The Huron County Museum's winter series of Multilingual Movie Nights continues tonight.

Senior Curator Sinead Cox says this Thursday's movie is an English and French film called Rosie. Cox says it's about a young girl who finds a family in Montreal in the 1980s. Cox says they offer a different snack with each movie and the snack tonight is butter tarts. Come for the butter tarts, stay for the movie. If you have a library card you get in free.

Cox says they try to get a film with a different language every week and they try to find movies that are in a language that people in Huron County might speak as their first language, so it could be a familiar language for some people and other people might find themselves watching a film that they might otherwise not see. They get a snack, a drink and the chance to see the movie in a friendly community space.

Cox says attendance can vary depending on the weather but they have had between 25 and 30 people come out. She adds, some people come out to all of the movies for the chance to see something different and others come out to see a specific film.

You can pre-register here and walk-ins are also welcome. More information can be found on the Huron County Museum website.


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