United Way Perth-Huron’s Social Research & Planning Council Releases the Last Two Reports of Their 2023 Quality of Life Series

by Bob Montgomery

The last two reports of the United Way Perth-Huron’s Social Research & Planning Council's 2023 Quality of Life series were presented to Huron County council recently.

United Way Director of Social Research and Planning Kristin Crane says mental and physical health, the social environment and the state of the natural environment are all important components in how people respond to the community. Crane says the lingering impact of COVID is still a factor, particularly among young people. She says that could be related to a slight decrease in physical activity or a massive increase in screen-use time in addition to increased anxiety, worry and different facets of mental health as well as the opioid crisis the entire country is facing, including Huron and Perth counties. She says physical activity contributes significantly to better mental health.

Crane says their report also produced some very good news. She says self-reported life satisfaction is really high in Huron and Perth and higher than the overall provincial average. She says some of the things that contribute to that are social connections, which impacts our mental and physical well-being. She says volunteering is another factor that helps get people more involved in their community and more likely to take advantage of local service clubs and other community meeting places like libraries. She says just being with other people is very important, particularly for young people, who don't always feel part of their community but have a great deal to contribute to their community.

Crane says a clean environment is also a significant factor in quality of life and that's been challenged in the past year with the number of wild fires that have occurred throughout the country and the number of air quality statements issued this year is definitely an increase over past years.

All this year’s Quality of Life Reports can be found at perthhuron.unitedway.ca.

From Left to Right: Will Wellington (Administrative Associate, SRPC & Governance), Kristin Crane (Director Social Research & Planning) and Ryan Erb (UWPH Executive Director)

Photo courtesy of United Way Perth-Huron


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