Support Local News in Huron County
Over the past few years it has become abundantly clear that truly local news is no longer a priority for the people who own and operate news agencies across rural Ontario. Coverage areas have expanded while the number of reporters on the ground has been shrinking. Small, rural communities are no longer the target audience. Huron County, with a total population of just over 60,000 people, now takes a back seat to larger cities.
Our mission is to provide value to the people of Huron County and the surrounding area by giving residents access to up-to-date news and information that is most relevant to their communities. Our reporter, Bob Montgomery, has been covering news events in Huron County for more than 40 years, so we believe nobody is better suited for this role.
We do not expect this venture to be extremely lucrative, but we do need some support from the community to keep it running. If you agree that local news and information is vital to a healthy community, there are several ways you can help, and most of them don't involve spending money.
1. Visit the website regularly.
2. Give us feedback on things you’d like to see on the site. For example, if there’s a meeting that you are curious about but can’t attend, no problem. Let us know what you are curious about and we’ll do our best to attend the meeting, or at least follow up with the people involved, and report back on the website. We are here to offer a service to the residents of rural Ontario. We welcome suggestions and feedback.
3. Sign up for our free newsletter. It’s easy and quick and we’ll only email once a week. Sign up here.
4. Share our stories on social media and/or comment on our posts. Let’s get community members talking about what’s going on so we can make Huron County a better place for everyone. HCN Facebook page
5. Share the website and newsletter with friends and family.
6. Support our sponsors and advertisers.
7. Sponsor or advertise on the website or newsletter. Email bob@huroncountynews.ca if you’re interested.
8. Donate directly to us. E-transfers can be sent to bob@huroncountynews.ca.
9. Donate through PayPal. (Please note: PayPal will take a portion of your donation as a service fee)
We feel extremely fortunate to be able to provide this service and we would like to make it the best it can be. We can’t do it without the support and feedback of the community. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Let’s make it known that truly local news matters to the residents of Huron County.
Thank you for your support!