Wingham Terry Fox Run Is Next Sunday

by Bob Montgomery

Wingham's Terry Fox Run will be held next Sunday.

This will be the third year that CTV News Reparter, Scott Miller, has helped to coordinate the Terry Fox Run, but he's been coming out to the event for the last ten years. Miller was diagnosed with testicular cancer twelve years ago. He says he was one of the lucky ones who didn't have to go through chemotherapy, thanks in large part to the research that has been done as a result of past Terry Fox runs. Miller says coming back to the event is a way to give back and meet other people who have shared his experience and honour those that weren't as lucky.

Miller also notes that without events like the Terry Fox Run his treatment would have cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars. He can't make up that amount, but he does what he can to support the research so others can benefit as he has.

Miller also points out the Terry Fox Run is not like a timed run and most of the people walk casually or ride their bike and enjoy the day and, in some cases, reflect back on a family member or friend who they've lost to cancer. So it's really an opportunity for people who have lost someone or know someone who is dealing with cancer, to gather and try and raise some money for cancer research and carry on Terry Fox's legacy.

Participants don't have to register, they can just show up on Sunday, September 15th at the Wingham Lions picnic shelter around eleven o'clock. Or people can sign up if they want by going to and look for the Wingham Terry Fox Run, or look for the Wingham Terry Fox Run on Facebook.


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