The President of Bluewater Recycling Association Has Announced His Retirement

by Bob Montgomery

Francis Veilleux came out to Huron County to sell the Blue Box program to local municipalities in the spring of 1989.

At that time there was no such thing as a blue box program, even in the cities and certainly not in Huron County. The following spring, a reporter came out to Huron County to report on what people like Francis were doing and the friendship has lasted that long. Vielleux says he had to sell the Blue Box program but local municipalities in Huron County were anxious to be part of it.

Veilleux says two years before that two local councilors tried to sell the program on their own time and asked him if he could help them out. He says it was a very exciting time, he was very young, it was a new project and nobody really knew what was going to happen and it worked out quite well.

Veilleux says there have been several changes over the years and one of the biggest changes occurred this spring. “In theory, the municipalities are no longer responsible for the recycling program, the producers are. Those who produce the printed paper and packaging, on April 1st of 2024, officially took over the program in this area, both financially and operationally. The association continues to provide the service, we're just doing it for a different group at this point.” 

Veilleux says his immediate plan for the future is to slow down a bit. He says in 1989 when he was working in the basement of the Forest town hall with just a folding table and a chair to design this new program, he always took it on as if it was his business and he's continued to do that all of these years. As a result of that, he's never enjoyed the luxury of a forty-hour week, but he's heard good things about it, so he'd like to give it a try. After 35 years, they have got a great team there and are working with new producers. He wants to slow down a bit. He's quick to point out though that he's not ready to sit back and do nothing and totally retire. He says he's tried to slow down but he can't do it. He'll make himself available to Bluewater Recycling as an advisor as needed and then do a bit of consulting for other organizations, work less hours and spend more time with his family.

Michelle Courtney will take over as President on November 4th. Veilleux says he'll be staying on until the end of the year in an advisory role capacity.


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