Southwestern YMCA Sets Goal of $200,000 To Send 1,000 Kids To Camp Through Its Fill The Bus CAMPaign

by Bob Montgomery

The YMCA of Southwestern Ontario launched its annual Fill the Bus CAMPaign earlier this month. Their goal is to raise $200,000 so they can send 1,000 kids to camp.

Development Vice President for the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario, Christina Harley, says the annual Fill The Bus CAMPaign is about raising funds to ensure that everybody has access to YMCA's camps and service and they go as far as offering subsidies for families that aren't able to afford the full cost.

“So we set a goal for each of the communities that we serve across Southwestern Ontario in order to ensure that the families that need the subsidy for this summer coming up, have that subsidy available for them.” In Goderich they have a goal of sending fifteen kids to camp for a week this summer. 

Harley says YMCA Day Camps offer experience for kids, basically to fill their day with laughter and adventures. They'll be doing games and activities with groups and they'll have some indoor and outdoor play. They usually do something creative throughout the day, really about building friendships. Children and youth who attend camp report increased environmental awareness, positive attitudes towards physical activity, emotional intelligence, personal development, and self-confidence. Many children are spending more than 7 hours a day in front of a screen, and camp gives kids access to healthy activities that connect them to others and the joy of life beyond the screen. 

The camp runs for eight weeks in Goderich for kids between the ages of six and twelve and they can sign up online at and go to summer camps. Harley says if anyone wants to donate to the campaign that would be very much appreciated and any money that is donated in Goderich will stay in Goderich.


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