Goderich Council Approves Converting Former Church Property Into Child Care Space

by Bob Montgomery

Goderich council approved a motion at this week's council meeting that will allow a conversion of an old church property into child care space.

Goderich Mayor Trevor Bazinet says the town is desperately in need of more child care spaces and the new building will allow a centre with about 90 spaces for infants up to preschoolers. Bazinet says their current facility is at capacity so the new space will help out Goderich residents who are currently looking for day care as well as help attract new people to Goderich.

The former church was on Suncoast Drive and all they had to do to allow for the conversion to a daycare centre was amend the current bylaw. Bazinet says being able to provide spaces is a first step in addressing the shortage of day care but the next one is finding more staff for those spaces.


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