South Huron Council Is Moving Forward With An Updated Community Improvement Plan

by Bob Montgomery

South Huron Mayor George Finch says the Community Improvement Plan is an Economic Development tool and an opportunity for municipalities to renew their commitment to community improvement. He says it also encourages economic investment.

“A CIP is a way to support existing businesses and ensure they continue to be well positioned to maintain and grow their employment opportunities, plus it supports a competitive business environment.” Finch says they have several areas that they hope will benefit from the Community Improvement Plan. “We're looking at a CIP housing program to stimulate investment in interior building renovations or building expansion, our main street revitalization program to stimulate private sector investment linked to public strategies for community planning, energy efficiency in retrofit programs to help improve the safety and efficiency of existing commercial and mixed-use buildings located within our CIP area and building renovation, restoration or improvement programs to help stimulate private sector investment.”

Finch says the Community Improvement Plan is something that is reviewed as the need arises and they try to stay current with it and it has been looked over the past few years but they felt the time was right to update the plan. A report will be coming back to council in the near future and Finch says they're interested in any suggestions or concerns any South Huron residents might have and they can do that by contacting the CAO, or a councillor, or the Mayor.


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