June Robinson Memorial Hike for Hospice Will Be Held at a New Location on May 26th

by Bob Montgomery

Hospice Fund Development Manager Christopher Walker says the Hike for Hospice started in 2018, and will be held again this year, but this year the location has been moved to the Wheel House at the south end of Rotary Cove on the Goderich Beach. “It's a great location. It's super to be able to walk along the beach and hear the waves and the boardwalk is nice and flat and easy for people of all ages to manage. And at the end of the Hike we have a Barbeque.”

Walker says this is an important fundraiser for the Hospice because the revenue from this particular Hike allows them to provide around the clock nursing care at Bender House. So the more money they raise, the more people they can take care of at the Hospice at no charge.

The Hike runs from ten in the morning until one in the afternoon this Sunday, May 26th, rain or shine, although they're hoping for shine. Pre-registration would be appreciated, but is not required. Walker says they usually have about seventy-five hikers so they're hoping for that many again this year.

More information on registration can be found here.


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