Owner of Goderich Fit Body Boot Camp says other fitness programs are not her competition
by Bob Montgomery
Goderich Fit Body Boot Camp owner Nadine VandenHeuvel says her competition isn't other fitness programs or gyms.
VandenHeuvel says her real competition is the rising rate of mental health issues as well as sedentary living and obesity statistics. She suggests that the solution is that all of the gyms and fitness programs work together to try and promote fitness in any way they can in order to address the drastic figures that ultimately lead to shorter lives. She says it's very important that as people age they're still able to do the things they enjoy for as long as they possibly can and poor health can very effectively get in the way of doing those things.
VandenHeuvel recently hosted a business networking event for the Chamber of Commerce for Goderich, North Huron and Central Huron and she says a lot of people have plans for the things they want to do after they retire, but she says poor health and lack of activity can really get in the way of travelling, or taking up a new hobby or just playing with your grandchildren.
VandenHeuvel says most people usually encounter some kind of health problem or setback as they get older but it's much easier for them to deal with and recover more quickly from if they’re healthier to begin with and she wants to help people enjoy that good health. VandenHeuvel says the hardest part of an exercise program is starting it and she compares it to an airplane taking off. It takes a tremendous amount of energy, or gas, to get up in the air, but once the plane levels off it's smooth sailing, or flying.