North Huron Looking For New Home For The Blyth Library

by Bob Montgomery

North Huron Council is looking for a new home for the Blyth Library.

North Huron Reeve Paul Heffer says the library is currently located on the main street in Blyth, but the owner wants the building back to use it for something else. Heffer says it's costing the municipality $18,000 a year to rent the space so they're hoping they can a find a space that the municipality owns and save that money.

Heffer says one possibility they're considering is moving the library to the upstairs of the Blyth Arena. He says that space doesn't get a lot of use now and it's a fairly big space so it could accommodate a library, so they've asked staff to bring back a report on how much it would cost to put the library there. Heffer says they're looking at other options as well but they'd like to see it located in a building the municipality owns.


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