Next Up At The Blyth Festival - The World Premiere Of The Golden Anniversaries by Mark Crawford 

by Bob Montgomery

The third play of the Blyth Festival's Fiftieth season is, fittingly enough, the world premiere of Mark Crawford's The Golden Anniversaries.

Blyth Artistic Director Gil Garratt describes The Golden Anniversaries as a slap down, drag em out hilarious comedy about a couple who are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

“They're back at the same cottage that they've gone to to celebrate every year since they first got married. It was where they spent their honeymoon and they have been going back every year on the anniversary and what happens is we see the two of them back at the cottage, back on this porch and over the course of the show they relive a lot of the last fifty years.”

They look back on all of the things that have happened, the things they agree on and some of things they disagree on. It's really about them trying to chart where they've been and where do they go in the future and the result is a very smart, funny piece and he believes people will really enjoy it.

Mark Crawford, Janet-Laine Green, Jim Mezon and Miles Potter

Photos courtesy of the Blyth Festival


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