Brussels Paramedic Base Lease Agreement Will Improve Service In Brussels

by Bob Montgomery

Huron County's Chief of Emergency Services says the new lease agreement with Huron East for space in the Brussels Fire Hall will improve service to Brussels.

Jeff Horseman says they've had a location in the Brussels Fire Hall for more than fifteen years, but have never had a permanent station there and that's what the new lease will provide. It will give the paramedics a station they can report to and work out of, the vehicle will be stationed there and they won't have to drive into Brussels at the beginning of every shift and out at the end of every shift. Horseman says their new space has been built on to the fire hall so there's a separating wall there as opposed to a common area. It will be a ten-year lease and both Huron County and Huron East have agreed to it.

“It is efficient and it actually gives the community of Brussels and the surrounding area an extra, roughly two hours of paramedic coverage in Brussells. The way it is right now, the crew actually reports to the Wingham station at the beginning of their shift and then they drive down and then they drive back and finish their shift in Wingham, so between vehicle checks and other operational stuff that they have to do there's about two hours worth of time in each twelve hour shift that the vehicle would not be available to Brussels because we're driving there or back.”

Horseman says there's always been a question around whether they stay in Brussels or not and this new lease agreement answers that question, and they're in Brussels to stay.


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