Huron Perth And Area Ontario Health Team Celebrates Accreditation

by Bob Montgomery

The Huron Perth and Area Ontario Health Team celebrated its accreditation at a ceremony at the Stratford Public Hospital on Wednesday.

The celebration was unique in that it was the first multi-governed collaborative accreditation in Canada, and the first Ontario Health Team to be accredited as an integrated network of organizations. Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance CEO Andrew Williams explains they are normally accredited as an individual organization and they decided to take the opportunity to be surveyed across organizations. “Long Term Care, Primary Care, Home and Community Care, Acute Care, all of the various players that are part of the continuum to really see if we could use the standards to improve transitions in care to help us standardize across our different organization and really just to help all of us get better.”

Achieving accreditation with Exemplary Standing signifies the Huron Perth and Area’s Ontario Health Team's commitment to delivering high-quality, safe, and people-centred care as an integrated network of organizations. And Williams says working together is the key to their success. “We all look after the same people, we all serve the same community and the more we can do that in a coordinated way, the better it is for all of us, not only the organizations and the people who work in the organization, but those we serve and that's really the most important part.”

Williams says he's really excited about where things are and believes it's only the beginning of a journey and he's anxious to see what they can accomplish over the next two years.

Andrew Williams, Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance CEO


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