Huron County Warden Glen McNeil says last week's Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference was a huge success.
McNeil says the conference was attended by two thousand municipal politicians from across Ontario and the is the largest attendance at any AMO conference. McNeil was representing Huron County and the Western Ontario Wardens Caucus at the conference and he says they had several delegations, including a multi-minister delegation with the Provincial government. McNeil says they met with Minister Clark and Minister Tibollo and the Solicitor General Michael Kerzner and we presented to them three topics of concern.
McNeil says the first was housing, which of course was number one. The second was the work force to support economic development and finally something that is important to every municipality across Ontario and that is the homelessness, mental health and addiction situation.
McNeil says the problems exist throughout the province and there are no quick solutions to any of them but the first step is at least acknowledging the problem and he says the Ministers did do that. He says the government understands the need for more housing and that mental health and addiction are now issues in urban centres and rural communities throughout Ontario, as is homelessness