Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol and Cultural Programs Looking for Public Input on New Strategic Plan

by Bob Montgomery

The Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol and Cultural Programs is developing a new strategic plan and they want help in developing that plan.

Curator of Engagement and Dialogue at the Huron County Museum and Historic Gaol Sinead Cox says it's time to update their strategic plan and they want input from the people who visit the museum on a regular basis and who hardly ever visit the museum on how they could provide more of what people want to see.

“We are having a series of focus groups that are happening across the county, and one online, and now the survey is accessible from home via Huron County Connects”, said Cox, “that takes about twenty minutes to complete and everyone submitting their response to the survey will be eligible for a prize.”

Cox says they review all of their programming and exhibits on a regular basis but this exercise is not about what they want to see but about what other people would like to see. Cox adds it isn't necessarily about new programming, but could be about existing programming that people are relying on and they want to make sure that they continue to provide those services. So it's not always about change. Sometimes it's about successes and things that people want to continue to see and maybe even see expanded.

The survey can be found here, or by clicking the picture below.


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