Huron County Council Has Requested A Report From Staff On Possible Funding For Repairs To The Menesetung Bridge In Goderich

by Bob Montgomery

The President of the Menesetung Bridge Association made a presentation to county council this week asking for funding to help with considerable repairs that have to be made to the bridge.

Donna Appavoo pointed out there are two different types of work that have to be done on the abutment and they were going to do them separately, partly because it might be difficult to raise the funding for both at the same time. But, she concedes, doing it in two stages would be significantly more expensive over all.

Central Huron Mayor Jim Ginn agreed and suggested they might save around one hundred thousand dollars if they could do the whole project at one time. He suggested council ask staff to look into the possibility of lending the money to the Menesetung Bridge Association. Ginn pointed out the Menesetung Bridge Association has been around for about 35 years and they've always been successful in raising money so the risk to the county would be minimal.

Ginn says if the county loaned the association some money so they could get the work done at a lower cost, it's a win for everyone. If donations come in as the work is being done that money could be used to offset some of the loan. Ginn adds the bridge is a substantial tourist attraction for the county and tourists that come into the county spend a lot of money here. Staff will bring a report back to county council and they can make a decision at that time about lending the money to the Menesetung Bridge Association to help them reduce their cost.


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