Drug overdoses continues to be a problem in Huron County

by Bob Montgomery


The President and Founder of the Tanner Steffler Foundation says in the last week or so there have been two fatal overdoses and one suicide among young people in our area related to drugs.

John Steffler says the only way we, as a community, are going get over this is through conversation. Steffler says anytime anything is unregulated, you don't have an ingredient list, so you don't know what you're getting. He says the drugs are much stronger than they used to be and the products that young people and adults are using are stronger and the consequences are more serious when people ingest things that our bodies weren't mean to deal with.

Steffler says technology has really separated adults from young people and it's moving so fast older adults can't keep up with it. He says young people today have stresses and pressures unlike any generation before them and he believes the most parents can do is talk to their children but be educated and know what they're talking about.  He also suggests that parents be respectful in their conversation and do a lot more listening than talking, which he concedes is not easy to do.


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