Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority's New General Manager Says He's Enjoying the New Challenge

by Bob Montgomery

The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority's former Water Resources Coordinator is now the Authority's General Manager.

Davin Heinbuck says he's officially been in his new position since February 12th and it's definitely a change of pace and very much a move away from doing the field work that he had been doing.

Heinbuck says there's a lot more administration work and he now works directly with the board of directors. “One thing I'm doing now is I'm still staying involved in the Flood Forecasting Warning program for now until they can get someone to succeed me in that position, so I’m still helping with that transition.” Heinbuck adds, fortunately for him the former General Manager, Brian Horner, is also staying with the authority in his former role as Financial Services Supervisor for a year or two and be available to help Heinbuck transition into his new role as General Manager.

Heinbuck says he's just really getting his feet wet now. He had his first Ontario Conservation meeting this week and says it's certainly a different pace than he was used to but he's enjoying the change and the challenge and working with the board of directors.

At last week's board meeting Chair Marissa Vaughan of South Huron was acclaimed to a second term as Chair and Ray Chartrand of Huron East was acclaimed to a second term as Vice Chair.


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