Ausable Bayfield and Maitland Valley Conservation Authorities Advise Public to Use Caution Near Shoreline Bluff Areas

by Bob Montgomery

The Ausable Bayfield and Maitland Valley Conservation Authorities are advising people to continue to be cautious near the shoreline bluffs.

Ausable Bayfield Water and Planning Manager Geoff Cade says it's starting to rain a lot more and with snow on the way, that will lead to saturated soil. He adds, the bluffs are continuing to respond to the high water levels in 2020 so people should avoid the top of the bluffs. Cade says bluff erosion is an on-going process but the risk is greater right now because of the toe erosion caused by the high water levels of a few years ago.

Cade explains there can often by very little noticeable activity at the top of the bank while there is considerable erosion going on at the toe of the bank. As the toe erodes, the bank can become over-steep and eventually can lead to the top of the bluff starting to fall off. Cade says that can be a fairly gradual process or it can happen quite suddenly, so they're advising people to stay away from the top of the bluffs. 

The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority has created a fact sheet to help shoreline residents recognize signs of erosion and that can be found on their webpage


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