2024 Barrel Racing Season Gets Underway on May 10th at the REACH Centre in Clinton

by Bob Montgomery

The 2024 Ontario Barrel Racing Association season gets underway on May 10th at the REACH Centre in Clinton.

Association President Gary Nelson says the event will open on Friday, May 10th and continue Saturday and Sunday. They'll start at eight in the morning on both Saturday and Sunday. Nelson says they'll obviously have a lot of barrel racing but they'll also have some pole bending. For the younger horses, they'll also have some futurity events where the horses run in their own class and that competition will be on Friday night.

At this point they have well over a hundred horses entered for the weekend so they're very happy about that. He says they do have some local people entered for the weekend but they also have people from all over the Province. “We have people coming from up north in the Peterborough area, Toronto and London, Ancaster and Paris and the Windsor area.”

There are a lot of things going on at the REACH Centre every year and they're proud to call the REACH Centre their home. He also points out that there's no admission charge for people who would like to take in some of the action over the weekend. One of the unique attractions this weekend will be the kissing booth, which he expects will bring back a lot of memories for people of a certain age.


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