Visit Of Lancaster Bomber Far Exceeded Expectations This Weekend  

by Bob Montgomery

The visit of the Lancaster Bomber this weekend at the Goderich Airport far exceeded expectations.

Goderich Legion President Randy Carroll says they had hoped to have five thousand visitors at the Goderich Airport this past weekend to see the Lancaster. He now says their best estimate for Friday was between eight thousand and ten thousand people and they estimate another three to four thousand on Saturday. So, all and all, a pretty good weekend.

Carroll says the money that's left over after their expenses are paid will be divided equally between the Legion, the Lions Club, and COPA. Each of those organizations have agreed to put the money back into the community to whoever needs it. They don't have an accurate number at this point as far as how much money that will be, but beyond the money Carroll says the excitement and enthusiasm was great to see and they got all kinds of compliments from visitors about the town of Goderich. The last time the Lancaster was in Goderich was in August of 2005, so he'd like to have them come back again. Carroll thinks maybe in another ten years wouldn't be out of the question. He says the people from the War Time Museum enjoyed their stay so much they said they would like to have been able to stay for another day.


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