Vance Fund Grants $85,260 to Hospital CT Campaign

by Bob Montgomery

The Leland and Thora Vance Fund is carrying on the Vances’ legacy of generous community support with a donation of $85,260 to the Wingham & District Hospital Foundation. 

The funds will go towards the Caring Together campaign for a CT Scanner. The Vance Fund is held by Waterloo Region Community Foundation and overseen by a committee of prominent local community members who determine the disbursement of the funds which were specifically left by the Vances to benefit the town of Wingham. 

“We are grateful for the Vances’ incredibly generous foresight in including the hospital in their vision for Wingham’s future and to all the committee members for recognizing the importance of bringing a CT scanner to our hospital,” said WDH Foundation Executive Director Nicole Duquette. 

She adds that a CT scanner will enhance emergency care at the Wingham & District Hospital making critical diagnoses faster and safer. This advanced medical technology will also help make the facility more attractive to prospective healthcare professionals. A CT scanner will allow local physicians to better care for acutely ill and injured patients. 

Learn more and support the Caring Together campaign at

L to R: WDH Foundation Executive Director Nicole Duquette with Vance Fund committee members Andy McBride, Carol Phillips, Paul Heffer, Dave Tiffin and Lisa Hearnden

Photo courtesy of WDH Foundation Executive Director Nicole Duquette


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