The United Way Perth Huron's Social Research & Planning Council is Launching a Survey on the Cost of Housing in Huron and Perth

by Bob Montgomery

The United Way Perth Huron's Social Research & Planning Council wants to learn how individuals and families across the region are being affected by the cost of housing.

Social Research & Planning Council Director Kristin Crane says the news is full of housing statistics and they've presented some of that data in their recent Quality of Life report. What they're hoping to do with this survey is focus on people telling their stories about how they've been impacted by the shortage of housing and rising cost of housing in Huron and Perth.

Crane says the stories could range from people who are newcomers to the area and had different expectations about what they might be able to find for housing, or a small business owner who is impacted because they're not able to hire the staff they need because there's no housing for them, or it could be families where multi-generations are being forced to live together in one home because there are no options for the older generation or the younger generation to find a home of their own.

Crane says there was a time when people dealing with those situations were the exception but the problem has grown bigger and broader and is effecting more people. She says they hope the stories will motivate people to take positive action or at least support action in their community that leads towards addressing the problem. She hopes the survey will lead to the creation of an information campaign that directs people towards actions that they can take or will encourage them to support actions that will positively impact housing in their community. It's also helpful to be able to share personnel stories with leaders and decision-makers.

People have until the end of January to fill out the digital-only survey. The link to the survey can be found here, or by going to the United Way Perth Huron website.


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