The Municipality Of Huron East Rejuvenates Brussels’ Main Street This Fall

by Bob Montgomery

The Municipality of Huron East is pleased to announce that their ‘Creating a welcoming and inclusive Downtown Brussels’ project was selected for the My Main Street Community Activator and has received support to purchase accessible street furniture, trees, planters and other enhancements.

This project aims to beautify the main street and create a more inviting space for people of all ages and abilities by adding elements such as accessible benches and picnic tables, trees and planters. The streetscape improvements will encourage social interaction among visitors and residents, as well as foster economic activity. Vibrant main streets attract visitors and investment and sustain small businesses, which are the backbone of our rural community.

My Main Street is built on the principle of supporting community economic development and creating vibrant and diverse neighbourhoods which will enhance the overall quality of life for residents while also promoting sustainable and inclusive community development. My Main Street is delivered by the Canadian Urban Institute and supported by a Government of Canada investment through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.

Huron East Economic Development Officer Taralyn Cronin, says they are incredibly grateful for this support and the opportunity it brings to improve the aesthetic appeal and functionality of of the main street in Brussels. “By creating a more vibrant and welcoming community space, we anticipate an increase in foot traffic and our ability to attract and retain businesses in our rural community.”

To learn more about this project, please visit: To learn more about the My Main Street program go to


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