Stratford and Area Boundary Review Committee Looking for Community Feedback

by Bob Montgomery

Avon Maitland Superintendent of Corporate Services Cheri Carter says trustees authorized the boundary review last September.

Carter says the elementary student population in the Stratford area has been growing for some time. “We have two schools in particular that are very much over capacity and are expected to continue to grow and then a number of schools that are under capacity, meaning they have lots of extra space for students.” Carter says what they've done in the last couple years is apply to the Ministry to see if they could get additions to the two schools that are over capacity “but the Ministry won't generally fund any additions if you've got space in a neighbouring school” Carter states. She says what they're hoping to achieve with the boundary adjustment is to move some of the students from the overcrowded schools into the schools that have capacity to maximize the space and then if they still have schools that are over capacity, the Ministry might consider their application for an addition.

Carter says it's very difficult to predict what the enrolment situation might be in the future, but she suspects the boundary adjustments and maximizing the available space will sufficiently address the situation for several years. The Stratford and Area Boundary Review Committee is now ready to receive community feedback on some boundary adjustment scenarios. While adjustments to every school is unlikely, all schools in the region are being consulted. The consultation package includes a report explaining some potential scenarios for consideration and an online survey.

Anyone interested in submitting feedback can complete the online survey - the deadline is February 15. Paper copies of surveys are available in school offices for those that prefer an alternative format. In addition, an open house is being hosted to showcase the report content, including large maps and other details. That will be held at the Stratford District Secondary School cafeteria between six and eight in the evening on Monday, January 29th. More information can be found on the AMDSB website here.


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