South Huron District High School's Eco Exeter Team was Presented with a Plaque at Council's Last Meeting 

by Bob Montgomery

Grade twelve student Ryan Marsh is a senior member of the Eco Exeter team. He says the plaque recognized some of the work Eco Exeter has done over the past few years.

“They congratulated us for our inspirational and ethical leadership on environmental action and the incredible impact we have made beyond our borders.” Marsh says the recognition is in large part for a documentary they did, as well as their overall environmental leadership and the message they've been able to spread throughout the community. 

Their work is also significant because Eco Exeter was one of the first high school teams to start promoting environmental action and that came about after a meeting with Ray Letheran, the co-founder of Blue Bayfield. Since then, other high schools have started their own programs. Marsh says that's exactly what they were hoping would happen.

Marsh says they try to work on one project every month but they've been fairly busy with exams in January. Their February project is a Valentine's event on February 14th at the White Squirrel Bakery in Exeter. “It's the Bring Your Own Mug Event, so when people come into the community, they bring their own mug, or reasonable drinking container and we buy them their drink.” Marsh points out the goal is to encourage people to bring reusable mugs every time they go to places like Tim Hortons or wherever they go for their morning coffee because they are allowed to do that. He says every little change they can make in their lives can make a difference.


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