Some Huron County Libraries Adjusting Hours to Meet Community Needs

by Bob Montgomery

Huron County Librarian and Cultural Services Director Beth Rumble says they last updated the library hours in 2022 with a commitment to re-visit them in the future to see if they were meeting community needs.

Rumble says the Strategic Plan that was circulated in the summer of 2023 contained a specific question about library hours, and they also consulted with staff to find out what they were hearing about the current hours. Then they analyzed circulation reports to see when volume was high, and based on that, they've made a few tweaks.

Change 1: The seven hour opening on Saturdays in Wingham has been shifted to 9-4 to better reflect community rhythms.

Change 2: The four hour opening in Bayfield has been shifted to 10-2 based on circulation review.

Change 3: The four hour openings in Brussels, Hensall, and Zurich have been shifted to 3-7 to provide more time for patrons to access the branches at the end of the work day.

Change 4: The three hour opening in Hensall has shifted to 10-1 based on circulation review.

Change 5: The three hour opening on Saturdays in Howick has shifted to 10-1 based on circulation review.

Change 6: The 3-7 opening on Mondays in Kirkton was shifted to Wednesday to avoid the impact of holiday closures.
Change 7: The four hour opening on Thursdays in Kirkton was shifted to 10-2 due to staffing needs, community usage, and partnership programs.
Change 8: The four hour opening on Tuesdays in Kirkton was shifted to 10-2 to better fit community usage.

Rumble says the changes aren't terribly dramatic but they do want to make sure people are aware of them so they don't come to the library and find out it's closed. The new hours will start on May 6th and people can also get updated posters on the new hours from their local library branch. She adds that it's very important to them to make sure they are effectively providing the services they provide and they are committed to reviewing the hours when they update their next Strategic Plan.


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