President Of Coast Goderich Subdevelopment Hosts Open House

by Bob Montgomery

Coast Goderich President Rob Wood says they first looked at the property at the south west end of Goderich, along the lakeshore, in 2008 and part of what they envisioned at that time was a very walkable community with lots of parkland and a lot of open space.

Wood says so far they've built 80 or 90 homes and they have plans for a few hundred more. He says they've serviced a lot of those lots but sales have been slow the last couple of years so they're waiting for that to pick up in the near future. There's room for another fifty or sixty homes in phase two. And they're looking at moving forward with that over the winter and into the summer.

They've been servicing their fourth phase, which runs out to Highway 21 and has around 100 units in it and about another 100 into the future, with no definite time line on the last phase.

Wood points out their commitment to the project goes beyond building homes and Saturday's event was all about opening their primary feature park in the development. It will ultimately connect to a trail that leads right up to the long term care home out at Highway 21. He expects that to be finished by the end of this year. They've got about one and a half kilometres of continuous trail throughout the development.

Wood says they could eventually have between four hundred to six hundred homes. A lot of those will be high density and will be closer to the highway. The number of units and the date for construction will depend on zoning and approval from the Ministry of Transportation. Wood adds, the number will also depend on the demand and they don't know what that will be at this time, but they do believe the demand is there.

Rob Wood - President, COAST Goderich


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