Perth County Launches Next Phase of Public Engagement for the New Official Plan 

by Bob Montgomery

Perth County is taking an important next step toward a New Official Plan in 2024 with the launch of the Public Engagement process.

Planning Manager Andrea Hächler says it's been a number of years since Perth County's Official Plan was updated so it's time for a major overhaul. Hächler says there are also a number of municipalities that have their own Official Plan and they refer to not only their own Official Plan but also the county's Official Plan, so this is an opportunity to amalgamate all of those into one comprehensive document. 

Hächler says there are a couple of specific changes they want included in the new Official Plan. “We've updated our natural environment designation and policies. So what that means is that with the help of our conservation authority there was a desk-top activity that was done where they used aerial photography to take a look at natural features, which are usually woodlots and wetlands. And where they have either grown or decreased over time they then re-drew the areas of protection.”

That mapping was then released to the public and anyone whose property was affected had a year to review it and call the Planning Office. A planner would then go out and do a site inspection to confirm that the property had either expanded or decreased and make sure the mapping was accurate. And if there was any question, an ecologist would come up to the property and do a further inspection. From there they developed comprehensive mapping that identified the various areas within the county that need natural environment protection. She adds, there's provincially significant wetlands and woodlots and then areas of scientific interest as well as endangered wildlife habitat.

Hächler says the other change is to their housing policies to reflect current market trends. “There's provincial direction for more intensification and infill that would also protect our agricultural land, it's some of the best agricultural land in the province and we want to continue to protect those lands and allow our farm practises to continue so we have changed our housing code fees to allow for more density, intensification and infill.”

The Draft Perth County Official Plan is available online . They are also hosting a series of open houses as follows

West Perth*

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
West Perth Council Chambers*
160 Wellington Street, Mitchell
*Virtual option available – To register, email:

North Perth

Thursday, February 8, 2024
Steve Kerr Memorial Complex,
Community Room
965 Binning Street West, Listowel

Perth East

Tuesday, February 15, 2024
Perth East Recreation Complex
40 Temperance Street, Milverton

Perth South

Monday, February 12, 2024
Downie Optimist Hall
3185 County Road 122, St. Pauls


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