North Huron Council Approves Budget

by Bob Montgomery

North Huron County approved their budget for the year at their last council meeting.

North Huron Reeve Paul Heffer says the increase for the municipality is 3.80% and they'll have to wait to see what the county and the board of education come up with before they have a final figure. Heffer says their budget increase was very high last year so he says maybe last year's increase helped them keep it lower this year. Heffer adds they did have to take some money out of reserves to keep the increase down to 3.80%.

Heffer says they've got some major projects planned for this year. He says they're going to have to spend a significant amount of money on fixing up some of the streets. They've got some water and sewage issues to be addressed on Mill Street in Blyth and he says that will be fairly expensive, but he expects they'll get some of that money back, but they did still have to take some money out of reserves.

Heffer says it's also early enough that they can start getting some Request For Proposals (RFP) out and maybe get a better price than they anticipated for some of the work they have to do.


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