Members Of The Huron Perth Agricultural Science Centre Hold Annual Meeting For 2023

by Bob Montgomery

The Founder of the Huron Perth Agricultural Science Centre describes 2023 as something like a roller coaster.

Jill Lewis says there was some progress made in the past year but there were also some disappointments. Funding from the Grand River Agricultural Society and Trillium Mutual Insurance was pivotal and they have hired a team of consultants to help them move forward. But, she also says progress has not been as fast as they would have liked.

Steve Dolson is the new Chair of the Board, and Lewis is now the secretary, and they do still have the commitment from North Perth to donate land for the Agricultural Science Centre, but the location has yet to be decided. While the Ag Science Centre Fundraising Committee was successful in obtaining some funding, there were many opportunities that did not result in the outcomes they had hoped for. They will continue to apply for funding from a variety of sources, and build on their grant writing skills, and use the new information from the updated business plan. Lewis says the Outreach Committee has been committed to getting their vision out there, and the support from the community has been overwhelming, as demonstrated by their membership.

Lewis says it's very difficult to predict when the building will be completed or even when they can get started given the magnitude of their funding campaign. One thing they're considering is a phased-in building plan so that when they have enough money for phase one they would build that, and then move on to the second phase as they have the funding to do it.

More information about the project can be found on the Huron Perth Agricultural Science Centre website.


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