May is a Busy Month for the Huron County Museum

by Bob Montgomery

Curator of Engagement and Dialogue, Sinead Cox, says this month will be a very busy month at the Huron County Museum and Historic Gaol.

May is Museum Month, a month to celebrate museums, and May 18th is actually International Museum Day. The Huron County Museum will mark that day with an open house and free admission. Cox says they have several events scheduled for the month of May and the Historic Gaol is now open for the season.

Cox says the Historic Gaol is one of the most interesting buildings in the county. “It's the only National Historic Site in Huron County and it's amazing that we get to tell the more than a century of stories that are in that building of all of the prisoners that came and went, the people who worked there and the architecture of the building.” Cox adds, their staff are very knowledgeable about some of the more high-profile cases or unusual people who have spent time in the Gaol so visitors are welcome to ask questions.

On May 16th the Museum will host a fashion history of night clothes with costume designer Jennifer Triemstra-Johnston and she's going to talk about the history of the clothes we once slept in and how nightwear materials and styles have changed and become day wear styles.

Cox adds on May 18th, International Museum Day, they'll be partnering with the Local Immigration Partnership on the showing of the Academy Award Winning Documentary film about the conflict in Ukraine. Admission to that is free, it starts at two o'clock on the 18th and it's not necessary to book ahead of time.

More information about events this month can be found on the Huron County Museum website under events by clicking here.


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