March Break at the Huron County Museum

by Bob Montgomery

The Huron County Museum has scheduled a full week of activities for young people during March Break from March 11th to March 15th.

Curator of Engagement and Dialogue Sinead Cox says the Museum is not normally open on Mondays through the winter, but they are for March Break. They'll actually start the week on Saturday, March 9th with the Great Maple Mania Bake-Off and Maple Market from 11:30 until 3:00.

Then, they have a number of drop-in activities starting on Monday and running until Friday. Cox said, “we have a couple of activities that do require registration. We're doing some bead art and string art and we're going to compare them with some artifacts and existing art and folk art that's in the collection and those two work shops do require registration to make sure they have enough art supplies for everyone.”

Cox says on Thursday afternoon kids are invited to bring their favourite stuffed animal to the movie and leave the stuffed animal at the movie so they can have a sleepover there and when the kids arrive the next day to pick up their stuffies there will be Polaroids of their adventures and they'll be posting some of the pictures on their social media site. And, on Friday they have a Day Camp for parents who are working that day.

The cost for most of the drop-opp activities is included in the regular admission, so for anyone who is a member of the Museum or has a Library Card, that's free, and for the two workshops that require registration the cost is five dollars to cover the cost of supplies, and then there is a cost for the Day Camp.

More information about the events for the March Break can be found at the Huron County Museum website.


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