Jacob Memorial Building Being Renovated For The Creation Of A Child And Family Centre Space

by Bob Montgomery

Part of the Jacob Memorial Building south of Clinton is being renovated to create space for a Child and Family Centre.

Ontario Works and Children’s Services Manager Cheryl Patience says they already have a Child and Family Centre space with Clinton Cooperative Child Care but the space is quite small. So, they're looking at renovating space that they're no longer using for programs at the Jacob Memorial Building. This would include the community kitchen area, and they'll create some outdoor play stations. She also said, it's not a daycare program but a program for parents to attend with their children up to six years of age. “There are a lot of family resources available, we have staff on-site to assist if they have any questions, but it's also just a time for play, so there's outdoor play and indoor play, there's songs and activities and reading, so we're going to bring that into our building.”

Patience says they have offered programs at the Jacob Memorial Building in the past and they have a program there now. She says it's a site that families are familiar with and it provides a bit more space and easier parking. That space they'll be using until the new space is ready will be turned over to Clinton to be used for child care.

Patience says the tender for the renovations at the Jacob Memorial Building were awarded at last week's council meeting and they're hoping the new space will be ready by the end of this year.

Patience adds, the county offers a number of programs for young children and any parents looking for programs can get more information on the Huron County Children's Services website.


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