Intersection of Hwy 4 and County Road 25 in Blyth to be Completed Shortly

by Bob Montgomery

Huron County's Director of Public Works says most of the work at the intersection of Hwy 4 and county road 25 in Blyth has been completed now.

Imran Khalid says the lights are effectively operational now, they're on a fixed timing cycle. The intention was always to have it on an adaptive mode, so they're in their learning mode right now and he expects they'll be fully adaptive within six weeks. “The lights are functioning, the cross walks are functioning. They still have to complete a top coat of asphalt in the spring and then they'll have to paint the markings on top of the asphalt.”

Khalid says they will also still have to raise one section of the intersection. He says there's a little lip under one of the curbs right now and that's where the asphalt will go, and then that will be the end of the project.

In the past Blyth residents had expressed concerns about the number of accidents at that intersection and Khalid says he appreciates their patience, but he also believes they're very happy to see the projected completed.


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