Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance Celebrates Excellence in Healthcare at Tuer-Hodes Family Awards Presentation

by Bob Montgomery

The award presentation took place at the Stratford General Hospital on Monday, and celebrated excellence within the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance by recognizing outstanding contributions to healthcare services.

The recipient of the Nursing Recognition Award for Exceptional Care is Samantha Metelski, a dedicated Critical Care nurse known for her positive and friendly demeanour. She fosters a supportive atmosphere on the unit, where she organizes social events to boost morale and camaraderie among colleagues. Her strong communication skills and advocacy for patients make her a respected leader within the team.

The Interprofessional Practice Recognition Award for Exceptional Care was awarded to Lauren Upper, a Senior Medical Laboratory Technologist whose calm demeanour and problem-solving abilities have made her a leader in the field. Her expertise extends beyond her technical skills as she excels in explaining complicated concepts in understandable terms and actively participates in quality initiatives to improve program objectives.

Also on hand for the presentations was Donnalene Tuer-Hodes, who's family is responsible for starting the awards six years ago. Tuer-Hodes started nursing 45 years ago and is still working. She says the family believed the industry needs new people as well as retaining the people they have and recognizing them for what they do. She says starting the awards was something the family felt was important. “It's pass it forward really. We didn't know how it was going to be received. I think it's been recognized and appreciated and people are proud of it.”

Tuer-Hodes agrees with what was mentioned a few times during the afternoon that healthcare is facing some challenges and people really have to be there and want to do their job. She says the people that they do have must be supported and maintained in their role to ensure that they're there in the future. She does say she believes the situation is getting better and with people like the award winners today she believes it will continue to improve.

Photo courtesy of Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance


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