Huron County Councillors Question The Response By The OPP To Illegal Dumping Of Hazardous Material At Mid-Huron Recycling Centre

by Bob Montgomery

Huron East Mayor Bernie MacLellan raised the issue of illegal dumping of hazardous material at Mid-Huron Recycling Centre at this week's county council meeting.

MacLellan says hazardous material was dumped at the gate of the Mid-Huron Recycling Centre and the OPP know the name of the company that dropped the material there and that they are not even from Huron County but it's Huron County residents that have to pay to dispose of the material. 

The majority of council shared MacLellan's concern and were also disappointed that the best the OPP and the Ministry of the Environment could do in addressing the issue is brush it off and tell the company that dumped the material not to do it again. Maclellan says he doesn't know the name of the company but the OPP do and he doesn't know if the company has responded to the OPP warning. The majority of council felt that if all the company got was a warning not do it again, that's not likely going to deter them from coming to the Mid-Huron Recycling Centre the next time they have hazardous material to get rid of.

County council has asked that a letter be sent to both the OPP and the Ministry of Environment asking for an explanation about why the incident was dropped without any significant ramifications.


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