Goderich Council Looking at Options for Memorial Arena

by Bob Montgomery

Goderich council is looking at possible options for the future of the Memorial Arena.

Mayor Trevor Bazinet says there was a costing report done on potential upgrades to the arena in 2018 and they've asked engineers to come back and tour the facility again and determine what it would cost at today's prices to make some of the changes they had considered. Bazinet says once that's done they have to have a lengthy discussion around what the arena could be right now because it's not generating enough revenue.

Bazinet says that facility only brought in nine thousand dollars last year, so it's operating at a deficit. He says he wants to see the facility remain in the town if it can serve the community. He says if there are some facilities in the town that are operating at capacity now, or even have a waiting list, maybe they could use some of the space at the arena and serve more people.

Bazinet says they're still very early in the process and they're not close to making a decision at this point.


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