Deadline Approaching for South Huron Community Fund Grant Applications

by Bob Montgomery

The Chair of the South Huron Community Fund says they're calling on all community champions to submit their grant applications now. 

Tom Prout says the deadline for grant applications is April 1st and they don't want any deserving projects to miss out. Prout says the Sunset Community Foundation is the latest version of what used to be the Grand Bend Foundation and now takes in all of Huron County as well as Lambton Shores and North Middlesex. Their goal is to provide community groups in that entire area with the opportunity to apply for grants or for people within that community who have a family fund or a legacy fund and provide funds which then would be used for grants. “So it opens the door for both community groups or families and businesses to donate money that's used for community grants.”

Prout says the current application process is for South Huron, so community groups in South Huron can apply for grants to undertake something that group would like to see, it could be the Arts Centre, it could be Big Brothers and Big Sisters, there's quite a range of community groups that have taken advantage of these grants in the past. 

Prout says any community group wishing to apply for a grant can go to the Sunset Community Foundation website, also found here. Prout says it's a very user-friendly process and he adds, Foundation Executive Director Lisa Reaume would be happy to assist anyone who needs help with the process. She can be reached at or 519-280-0944.


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