Central Huron Driver Facing An Impaired Driving Charge

Huron County Ontario Provincial Police has charged a Central Huron resident with an Impaired Driving offence following a traffic stop at 11:00 p.m. on Friday August 2nd.

On August 2nd, Huron County OPP officers observed a vehicle at the corner of Huron Road and Front Road in the Municipality of Huron East. The officer observed the vehicle driver not maintaining the lane as they travelled west on Huron Road. The vehicle was stopped by police soon after the observations.

Police spoke to the driver and determined they had been consuming alcohol prior to driving. A demand was made by police for a sample of the driver's breath into the roadside screening device, which resulted in a failure. The driver was subsequently placed under arrest for Impaired Operation and taken into custody. The driver was transported to the Huron OPP detachment in Clinton for further breath tests with an OPP qualified breath technician. The driver's breath samples resulted in readings over two times the legal limit.


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