Central Huron Council Ready to Move Ahead With Feasibility Study on the Proposal for the Former Bluewater Centre

by Bob Montgomery

Central Huron Mayor Jim Ginn says the proposal would see GreenLab of Denmark lease a significant part of the Bluewater Centre property.

The cost of the feasibility study came in at between thirty and fifty-thousand dollars, and that cost would all be covered by the Danish Consulate, provided their consultant is used, and Ginn says that won't be a problem. So as long as it doesn't cost more than fifty-thousand dollars there won't be any cost to Central Huron.

Ginn says the proposal has considerable potential. One of their goals was that whatever they brought in there would attract other investments and more jobs. He says he didn't expect they would all, necessarily, be at the Bluewater Centre, but if works out the way it looks like it will, they'll all be there, or some place fairly close.

They've also decided to form a working group for the project. Ginn says they had a working group earlier and council has asked staff to bring a report back on a new working group that would include some people from the Economic Development Department, as well as Central Huron councillors, just to work things through without waiting two or three weeks for the next council meeting to make a decision.

Ginn says it's too early to say precisely when a final decision will be made to move forward but he suspects it will be sooner rather than later.


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