Central Huron Acknowledges The Ontario Lottery And Gaming Corporation's Yearly Contribution To The Municipality

by Bob Montgomery

The Municipality of Central Huron is pleased to acknowledge the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation's yearly contribution to the municipality from the operation of Gateway Casino Clinton.

OLG payments are made under an equitable sum from the Municipal Contribution Agreement that determines the funds that municipalities receive for hosting a gaming facility and are based on a graduated scale of gaming revenue that is consistent across all sites in Ontario. In Fiscal 2024 the Municipality of Central Huron received a total of $650,687 through the agreement.

With this funding, Central Huron was able to allocate the revenue to better the community in three areas: the Facade Program, the Donation Fund and the reconstruction of Isaac Street.

“We are incredibly fortunate to have dedicated OLG partners who understand the importance of sustaining and enhancing our municipality,” said Mayor Jim Ginn. “Their generous contributions over the years have been beneficial in growth, supporting vital services, and enriching the quality of life for our residents, business owners, and visitors. As we continue to navigate the challenges ahead, their support is not only appreciated but essential in keeping our municipality vibrant and thriving.”

OLG’s Senior Municipal Relations Manager Kathleen Devine says OLG is proud to be a vital part of the Municipality of Central Huron. “Each and every year, 100% of OLG profits are reinvested in Ontario to support provincial priorities. From critical infrastructure to important local programs, to community festivals, OLG’s profits are hard at work in Central Huron and all across our province to build stronger communities.”


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