Bluewater Council Receives Active Transportation Plan

by Bob Montgomery

Bluewater councillors received a plan for active transportation prepared by R.J. Burnside & Associates at this week's meeting.

Mayor Paul Klopp says there's no timeline for implementing the plan but it gives council something to consider and allows for staff and public input for improvements and changes that might be made. Klopp says he's already received a couple of emails supporting the plan and making suggestions for improvements.

Klopp says active transportation would include things like walking and cycling and the focus is not so much within the villages in the municipality, but the roads that join the villages and the best and safest routes for pedestrians and cyclists to use. Klopp says that could involve creating new paths and trails and getting permission from farmers to do that.

Klopp says the report from R. J. Burnside & Associates made suggestion for locating new trails and now the municipality will wait to hear from any cycling groups or walking groups about what they would like to see and then proceed from there.


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