Behind the Bars Returns To The Huron Historic Gaol On July 2nd

by Bob Montgomery

Behind the Bars returns to the Huron Historic Gaol on July 2nd.

The popularity of the Behind the Bars event has grown tremendously over the years and Behind the Bars Coordinator Kyra Lewis says this year they have twenty volunteers. Lewis says they've done a lot more research this year and added a few more characters so they've added more volunteers as well. “We provide them with a profile from the archives about a prisoner or a member of the staff and everybody that is portrayed was in fact a real person so the volunteers put a lot of time and effort into ensuring that they are representing these people with dignity and respect.” 

For that night, the volunteers become that person and visitors are free to ask them questions about what they did or what being in jail is like or anything else that comes to their mind and the volunteers will respond as that person.

Behind the Bars opens on July 2nd and is open every Tuesday and Thursday evening throughout the summer. More information about Behind the Bars can be found on the Huron County Museum webpage here.

Photo courtesy of Huron County Museum


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