Bayfield Ward Councillor Says Changes To Bluewater's Noise By-Law Are Minimal

by Bob Montgomery

Bayfield Ward Councillor Bill Whetstone says the changes being proposed in Bluewater's new noise by-law are really a matter of putting into writing what is already happening.

Bars and restaurants are now required to turn the volume down on music after eleven o'clock or midnight. They don't have to turn it off but they do have to turn it down enough so that it's not an issue with neighbours. Similar rules would apply in a residential area except the time would be around eight or nine in the evening, which seems a little early but would be appropriate for the middle of the week and could be relaxed a little on the weekend when someone might be having a party. If it was something that was happening every night or every weekend then there would likely be some complaints.

Whetstone does point out they discussed the changes with the restaurant and bar owners and they felt consulting with everyone involved and then approving realistic regulations was the way to go.


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