Bayfield Community Centre nominated for Kraft Hockeyville

by Bob Montgomery

The Bayfield Community Centre is reaching out to village residents and users of the facility to support them in the Kraft Hockeyville competition.

Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association member Danielle Tarnawski says the arena is aging and in need of repairs. At one point this winter they had to deal with a leak in the ice-making equipment under the ice, and they’ve also had some problems with the time clock. When she heard about the Kraft Hockeyville event and the chance to win the grand prize of $250,000 for facility improvements, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for the Centre.

The Bayfield Arena and Community Centre has been run through a private – public partnership for the last few years. The municipality provides some funding, and members of the Bayfield Facility Initiative Team and Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association look after fundraising and running the facility.

Tarnawski says the arena means a lot to a lot of people in Bayfield. If you would like to help support the facility in the Hockeyville event you can go to the Kraft Hockeyville website and register your email. This will allow you to contribute some nomination stories. You can pin up to five pictures and you can put in rally notes. Points will be given for each thing that you do.

The first round ends on Feb. 18th. You can get more information by going to the Kraft Hockeyville website’s Bayfield Community Centre page.


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