Avon Maitland Staff Provides Trustees With Update on Stratford Schools Boundary Adjustments

by Bob Montgomery

Avon Maitland District School Board staff provided trustees with a modified recommendation for the boundary adjustment for the Stratford schools at last week's meeting.

Superintendent of Corporate Services Cheri Carter says it's similar to one of the four options that they had previously talked about and the two that staff had recommended. “It essentially just moves three areas that are going into Avon and Bedford and moves them to different schools and one area is a large area that goes from Avon to Downie.”

The trustees have asked them to look at the numbers and see what could be done in terms of a legacy plan that would allow students currently in a school that might be moving to stay in that school until the end of their school career at that school, which would be to the end of grade six.

They're hoping trustees will make a decision at the next board meeting on June 11th.


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