Avon Maitland Staff Presented Long Term Accommodation Plan to Trustees At Last Board Meeting

by Bob Montgomery

Avon Maitland District School Board staff presented trustees with the updated Long Term Accommodation Plan at their recent board meeting.

Superintendent of Corporate Services Cheri Carter says it's something they're required by the Ministry to do every year but they go a little beyond what's required to look at some of the things they want to focus on in the coming school year. That would include historic enrolment trends and enrolment projections, and identifies planning areas that they're monitoring. “For example the North Perth area is a big area of growth for us and we know we need to do something to accommodate all of the students at North Perth Westfield in particular.”

Carter says they're also working on the boundary review for the Stratford area this year but they have to implement that for next September and then they have to do some other monitoring because Stratford is another growth area.

Carter says their enrolment projections indicate a possible drop in enrolment at both the secondary and elementary level in Central Huron but it's not dramatic. The growth in North Perth, Stratford and South Huron seems to be driven by overflow in the neighbouring counties in those areas. But overall, Carter says the report is a good one.


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